Staff Positions

The heart of Camp JCA Shalom is our talented, loving and amazing staff. We seek to hire the best of the best who share our core values.
Over 100 fantastic staff people make up our summer staff community. While our focus is on the campers, camp provides a fantastic social experience for all of the staff as well. As a result, camp positions are very competitive, and we suggest that staff apply early.
Bunk Staff
- Bunk Counselors
- Activity Specialists (archery, arts & crafts, garden, cooking, photo, sports, dance, Israeli dance, lifeguards, video, science, & more)
- Inclusion Specialists
Unattached Staff
- Camp Nannies
- Logistics Specialists
- Job Coaches
- Videographer
- Unit Heads
- Aquatics Director(s)
- Ropes Course Director(s)
- Sports Director
- Arts Director
- Camper Care Director
- Inclusion Coordinator
Amazing applicants should feel free to apply
Camp JCA Shalom promotes and maintains a policy of non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, religion, disability, age, veteran status, ancestry, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of all programs and services.